
This character is on the Roster. If you are interested in playing this character, refer to +roster in game and follow the instructions on how to claim a Roster character.

Character Information
Portrayed by Lizzie White
Name: Winkessa Gamp
Aliases: "Winky"
Birthday: March 4th, 1928
Position: Slytherin
Lineage: Pure-Blood


Winky Gamp is young and full of life. Her vivacious nature comes across clear in the brilliant smile she is nearly always wearing. She is a bit overweight, with chubby cheeks and thick arms and thighs. Light brown hair falls straight to her midback where the ends curl at random angles. Her skin is dotted with freckles across her nose and over her shoulders, time in the sunlight bringing them out vividly. Slate-blue eyes grace her face and she has slightly buck teeth in the front until the rest of her adult teeth come in.

When not in her school robes, Winky likes to wear comfortable blouses and skirts, mostly in deeper colors like dark blue, gray, and black. Her favorite shoes are a pair of black and white flats with a strap in the back that buckles to hold them on. She has no interest in jewelry, though she frequently wears colorful pins in her hair.


RP Hooks

  • <Hook Title 1>: <Few sentances about ideas on how to get hooks and instant RP with this character. 2 Hooks are required, more are encouraged.>
  • <Hook Title 2>: <Few sentences about ideas on how to get hooks and instant RP with this character. 2 Hooks are required, more are encouraged.>


  • Wealth: Comfortable
  • Quidditch Lover


Logs featuring Winky Logs that refer to Winky



Grandfather: (b. 1876) Pure-Blood.


Amster Gamp
Father: (b. 1903) Pure-Blood.


Wintessa Gamp nee Thurkell
Mother: (b. 1903) Pure-Blood.


Wilbur Crockett
Crush: (b. 1925) Half-Blood. A Gryffindor that graduated after he took his O.W.L.s. He was always very nice and it made Winky blush when he would hold doors open for her. She doesn't look forward to him not being around.


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